Things here are going ok, but it's been a pretty stressful week. Lil M and I are doing well. She's glad Mommy's home. T is even doing a bit better... though, it didn't appear that way when I first picked her up from respite. Praying things continue in a good way there.
I've had laryngitis most of the week, along with a cough. So, today I'm going to the Dr to see if she thinks it warrants antibiotics or not.
Things at work feel shaky and I'm hoping that also starts to get better soon.
Prayers welcome... :)
#Microblog Monday 526: Brackets
19 hours ago
Sending you lots of prayers and love, hon!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. One day at a time, right? I hope things continue to go better for you.
Ups and downs, valleys and mountains- that's life and so goes work and relationships. I remember a poem (forgot which one) by CS Lewis that went something to the affect of "rest is good not best." Now in your case, rest is best since you are obviously sick. But generally- and I might be explaining this completely inadequately - the toil most people experience in life is somehow better than the unwillingness most people experience when dealing with the challenges. It's not fun - as far as I'm concerned - having to deal with troubles that surface in my life. Yet people who are considerably wiser than myself, like Lewis, say that the toil is better than the rest. I think that there is tremendous wisdom in that assertion.
Have I bungled my explanation? Do I sound cliche enough? :0)
Hope you feel better, too.
thanks!!! :)
tom... so, lots of fixin' goin' on at your place, huh?!!
actually, tonight has been great! the three of us went to get our favorite chinese food for dinner... 'cause it is mine and Lil M's 3 year family day (tomorrow) weekend!!! WOOHOO!
today, 3 years ago we met for the very first time!!!
ps. tom, you're right... ups and downs.
pps. beautiful mess... how are you ?!!!
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